hey so one day I was really bored (and I'm pretty sure it was today, but I'm a little bored every day) and so I started thinking (not like I don't think all the time anyway). And while I was thinking, I asked myself a question "What happens when you die?". And then I realized that I don't know. My parents believe in something, my friends believe in something else, everyone believes in different things. And so I asked myself another question: "If you don't know, aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid of dying?". Wouldn't it make sense? I mean... People are always afraid of things they don't know. They are afraid of things they aren't sure about.. Like dark. Many people are afraid of dark. I am not. But that's not important. Some people are afraid of the future. Some people are afraid of what other people think. And most of the people are afraid of dying. I am not. I am not lying. I'm not afraid. Do you think I'm crazy? Of course I am afraid that I might die before I do something useful here. And before I have some fun. But when I'm old, I won't be afraid of dying. But the thing is... what happens when you die? I mean... where do you go? Don't try to tell me there is nothing after death. Like some kind of hole, dark, emptiness... no. There's someth
ing. But what? Christians say that you go to heaven. If you are a bad person OR if you are not christian, you go to hell. I don't want to go to hell. So let's hope this is not true. Some other people say that when you die, there comes an angel who helps you find the way to the light... the light is a place where all the souls go... and then you watch what happened to you when you were alive, what you learned, what good and bad things you did, and all that stuff. And when you are done, you go and choose another body, another story, another life - to learn what you need to learn (because you always need to learn more). To suffer if you need to suffer, to enjoy life and have fun, if you can. That sounds pretty cool. I like that. Do you think it is true? Who knows? Not me. I don't know what is right, I don't know what to believe. But I'm not saying this is the time for you to tell me that what you believe is right and what I should do. No. To be honest, I hate when other people tell me what to do. It's the time for me to think, read, and then decide. Most of the people believe in what their parents believed in. They don't have the right to make a choice. I do. So... that's all. I would tell you something more, but as I said, I need to think a lot. And read a lot. And talk to a lot of people. Like you. Tell me what you think. Thanks. :)

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